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Studying abroad can be one of the most stressful times in a student’s life. Living in an entirely new place, surrounded by new people, with your family miles away from you is enough to challenge anyone, let alone the pressures of study on top.
However, there are some great methods to help you reduce stress and succeed in your program as an international student in Australia .
Get organised
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It’s important to have a system of organisation. Keep a track of your assignments, projects, presentations, research papers and exam dates. That way, you can save yourself a lot of stress in planning as the semester goes on.
Organisation also goes “hand-in-hand” with good time management skills. It is essential that you keep a schedule of your daily tasks, work on university deadlines in advance, and plan your activities for the semester ahead of time. If you make these tips become habits, you’ll not only avoid a significant amount of stress, but you’ll also enjoy university life to the fullest.

Stay fit

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Getting some exercise will not only keep your body in great shape, but your mental health as well. Exercising regularly can burn off the energy caused by stress, improve focus and increase relaxation, which can also help you get a good night’s sleep.
Staying fit also means eating well. While maintaining a healthy lifestyle is “easier said than done” when faced with difficult circumstances as an international student, a healthy diet can often remove a lot of the symptoms of stress. Instead of indulging in junk food and TV, simple and healthy meals throughout the day can help improve both your physical and emotional health.

Get enough sleep

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After a long day of study, it is best to end the day with a long, relaxing sleep at night. Without enough sleep, your body can become vulnerable to the effects of university. Getting to sleep might be hard at times, especially if you need to attend early morning classes, but it’s not impossible. Make sure you go to bed early so you can get the ideal 6-8 hours of sleep. Take note: people who stay up late at night have more trouble learning and remembering than those who don’t. 
By getting the right amount of sleep, you allow your brain and body to recharge, helping you to be more relaxed, focused, and less anxious during your classes.

Take a break

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Studying day-in and day-out can also deplete your energy and concentration, and this can, in turn, generate unnecessary stress. So when you start feeling exhausted, take a break and relax a little bit. One excellent method is to just have a 10-minute snack, phone call, or stroll, before another 50-minute block of study every hour. If you force yourself to do this, you’ll find you can become much more productive during each 50-minute period that you study. Set an alarm and force yourself to switch off if you think you’re the kind of person who can’t.
When you get home, it’s also a good idea to write down your thoughts in a journal or listen to calming music. As proven by research, these activities can also do wonders for reducing stress during your spare time.

Reach out

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Stress caused by school work is common, but if you think you can no longer handle it on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help and discuss your problems. Seek advice from your friends, classmates, or your institution’s student health counselor.

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