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As an international student, you probably have several online profiles to stay connected. But are you connecting on a professional level? With the advancement in technology, it isn’t a surprise that many employers these days are taking advantage of social media to seek out their next hires in Australia.
Don’t wait for headhunters and recruiting managers to reach out, make the most of your online presence and stand out in a competitive marketplace with these simple steps:
Improve your profile
Image result for professional profile
Building your social media profile is similar to creating a resume, except that it’s done online. When filling out your online page, make sure you complete your education background, employment history and skills related to the job you want to pursue. It would also be great to highlight your achievements and current organisations you are a part of.
In addition, if you want to hear about job opportunities more often, it pays to include your email address on your page and state your desire to find a job so recruiters can get in touch with you.

Keep it up-to-date and professional

Like it or not, your profile picture is the first thing people will see when they visit your page. To have a strong online presence, start with a professional-looking headshot as your profile photo. This doesn’t necessarily mean wearing formal business attire; a clear, quality and photo will do. Don’t forget to update your information whenever necessary, especially when you’re taking on a new role in an organisation.
Keeping your digital identity professional may also mean deleting any photos or comments that may look unprofessional. If you want to create a favourable impression to a potential employer, remove any information you don’t want them to see.

Follow career-relevant groups

Social media has a lot of professional groups that can help you stay updated with industry trends, find like-minded connections, and expand your professional networks. 
Make it a habit of joining or following organisations that are relevant to your targeted career. It is also important to connect with your classmates, professors and other people that have similar career interests. In doing so, you are giving headhunters the impression that you are hooked on a specific area of study or industry.

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