Benefits of enrolling in an Australian Professional Year Program?

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In a recent survey, Australia was considered the third best destination for higher education in the world. The land “Down Under” has become a hub for international students because of its top universities, advanced curriculum, qualified faculties, friendly locals and great weather throughout the year. However, many international students who are graduating from various fields are not aware of the Professional Year Program (PYP). 
The PYP is offered to former international students who have graduated from a university in Australia. This program can help introduce you to a possible career path by providing relevant practical training. It is an approved internship program, which is accredited by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). 
These days, there are not enough skilled workers in various important sectors in Australia. To ensure that the supply of skilled workers in fields such as IT, engineering and accounting are maintained, the PYP was developed. The DIBP initiated the program with the help of various Australian universities. Any international students who graduated from an Australian university with a degree that is not less than two years can apply for the program. The PYP is a 44-week program, which is divided into 32 weeks of coursework and 12 weeks of internship. The program provides valuable knowledge and skills, as well as real exposure to working in an Australian company. 
1. It provides internship opportunities
Many international students may find it difficult to find a reputable job that is suited for their own field after graduating in Australia. The PYP makes this less difficult as it opens up numerous pathways for international students to get rewarding jobs. There are numerous prestigious institutes in Australia that guarantee internships for students under the PYP. In addition, most of the candidates get a permanent position with the companies after completion of the program. The internship program can also provide excellent experience on your resume and improve your chances of getting hired by other Australian companies. 

2. It expands your professional circle

The PYP also helps expand your professional and social environments. It can help you meet plenty of professionals in your field of choice, which also means you can get in touch with people who have the same interests and goals as you. 

3. It helps you become familiar with Australian work environments

Every country and company has its own standards when it comes to professional workplaces and codes of conduct. The PYP allows you to understand how professionals in Australia work and how they keep up with the demands of the work and life balance. 

4. It gives you an extra 5 points towards your permanent residency application 

Successfully completing the PYP means an extra 5 points that can help with your eligibility in applying for permanent residency in Australia. If you are interested in exploring new opportunities in the land “Down Under” or hoping to settle in Australia permanently, the PYP could be a great option for you! 

Eligibility requirements for PYP

To qualify for the PYP, you need to meet the following criteria:
Complete an undergraduate or postgraduate program at an Australian University 
Apply for, or hold, 485 on your visa
Have evidence of a minimum of IELTS 6.0 in all bands
Complete valid skills assessments from a relevant professional organisation
Programs like these can be extremely beneficial options for any students looking to complete a degree in Australia. You could be able to grow professionally and improve your chances of becoming a permanent resident in Australia at the same time.  

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