Image result for fun as an international student
The international student experience involves more than just many hours of study! If you want to make the best of your college years in Australia, don’t limit your activities to only those inside the classroom. Participate in activities outside of your course. Whether it’s getting involved in community outreach programs, organising holiday trips around the country or meeting new friends from other schools, there are plenty of activities that await you.
Engaging in extracurricular activities is not only about acquiring sought-after skills like initiative, teamwork and leadership, but also about building connections and opening doors that can help you succeed in your chosen path in the future.
If you are not sure where to start, here are a few tips:

Join a club of your interest

Clubs and societies on campus are a good place to start. From sports, music, culture and politics to books, food, entertainment, film and academic groups, you are sure to find something that can sparks your interest. Although many groups are free, some ask for small annual fees to help cover the cost of some events throughout the year.

Get involved in international student groups

If you are still getting the hang of the Australian way of life, you may want to consider joining international student groups to meet students from your home country or other foreign students on campus. Together you can learn about your new home or share your experiences about your time abroad.

Organise holiday trips

There’s no better way to experience the beauty of Australia than by travelling. Since most academic semesters run for only 14 weeks, you have plenty of time to travel during the holidays. If you need advice about where to go and what to do, contact your assigned student support staff. They can provide you with information about your options, including accommodation and transport, as well as promos and the best deals.

Seek out campus events

Most universities host events throughout the year, with activities organised by the student council, faculties, clubs, and the university as a whole. Events during orientation week may include campus tours and welcome parties, while events throughout the year may include boat cruises, seminars, exhibitions, career fairs and food festivals. 

Start your own club

If these suggestions don’t work for you, why not organise your own club to meet people with similar interests? If you need help to get your ideas off the ground, speak to one of your student support advisers. 

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