If you are finishing your bachelor’s degree, how would you know if undertaking a postgraduate study in Australia is the next step for you? Maybe you are so thrilled to get out into the workforce that further study might be the last thing on your mind. Perhaps, you are already in the workforce, so pursuing a Master’s degree might not be part of your plan at all. You might even be thinking about postgraduate study so that you can meet the required criteria for becoming a permanent resident of Australia.
Sure, postgraduate study may mean sacrificing some time, money and lifestyle, but it can undeniably be a worthwhile investment in the long run. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider postgraduate studies.

Postgraduate study can enhance your career prospects

While a postgraduate qualification may not necessarily mean landing your dream job, it can create a positive impression for recruiters. Also, acquired skills and knowledge from further study can highlight valuable traits like commitment, perseverance and dedication, which employers love. 
There are also numerous jobs that require a level of expertise that is only possible to gain from completing a Masters or Doctoral degree. Therefore, having a postgraduate qualification can certainly help you get the job you’ve dreamed of.

Change your career

If you feel like making a career change, studying for a postgraduate course is a wise move. Postgraduate diplomas and certificates provide relevant practical training that can help you move to a completely different field. It could not only open doors of opportunities but also give you the edge in today’s competitive employment market. 

Boost your earnings

A report from Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) shows postgraduates are earning approximately $20,000/year more than undergraduates and have a better chance of receiving a higher starting salary. Moreover, postgraduate degrees are highly sought-after in today’s corporate world, particularly in senior level positions.

Pursue your interest

As long as you have a clear career goal in mind, your passion for your study could present the best reason for you to go into postgraduate education. This will not only help you specialise in a field that you are interested in, but will also advance your skills and knowledge.
As with anything else, be sure that a decision to pursue postgraduate studies is the right choice for you. It is not a decision you should take lightly.

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