tudents who graduated from major universities in Sydney and Queensland are earning more money than students who graduated from universities in Melbourne, a new survey has found.

The government-funded Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching survey involved 40,000 Australian university graduates from the class of 2014.

Graduates from mostly rural-based Charles Sturt University enjoy the highest median full-time salary four years after graduating at $78,300, followed by the University of New South Wales in Sydney at $77,500, and Central Queensland University at $77,200.

It’s a far cry from the salaries at the bottom of the scale, mainly comprised of universities in Victoria.

The lowest earners are graduates from the University of Melbourne are earning a median salary of $65,000, graduates from RMIT University in Melbourne earning $65,400, and graduates from Federation University in Victoria earn the lowest at $64,000.

You can see the difference in median salaries in the chart below.

Short (2013-15) and medium-term (2016-18) undergraduate median full-time salaries by university (three years data combined, $)

While nine out of 10 students have a full-time job a few years after graduating, they are taking longer to find full-time employment than they did before the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007-2008, especially those with generalist degrees (typically arts, liberal studies, humanities and the social sciences).

Graduates from Charles Sturt were the quickest to find work after graduating.

93.6% of students from that university were employed in full-time work three years after graduating, Murdoch University had a 93.2% employment rate, and the University of Technology in Sydney had an employment rate of 92.7%.

The survey also showed the gender pay gap is still apparent.

In 2015, the gender gap in graduate median salaries was $5,000 or 8.3%.

In 2018, for the same cohort of graduates three years later, the gender gap in graduate median salaries was $5,100 or 7%.

You can see the disparity in the chart below.

Undergraduate median salaries, short-term (2015) and medium-term (2018), of those people employed full-time

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