What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?
This is a straightforward document that some education providers require international students to provide as part of their application processes.

It’s purpose is to provide education provider departments with your personal statement on why you should be issued an offer for the course you’ve applied to.

How do you write a Statement of Purpose?
You can write this using Microsoft Word or any other similar application. Try shaping your Statement of Purpose around these questions:

  • Why have you chosen the target country, e.g. Australia as a study destination?
  • Why have you applied to this particular education provider?
  • If you’ve had any gaps between your education and employment, can you explain why?
  • How do you believe the course you have applied for will increase your chances of employment in your home country?
  • When do you intend to return to your home country?

Answering this question: Why have you chosen to study overseas?
There are a lot of reasons why you may have chosen to study in the target country, e.g. Australia! The education system is of high quality, and the universities offer excellent value. There’s a lot to enjoy about cultures overseas ,the climate, and even the flora and fauna!

Answering this question: Why are you applying to this particular education provider?
This is a simple matter of explaining the decision-making process you undertook with your Education Expert, when it came to selecting this education provider as your educational institution of choice.

Answering this question: Why have you had gaps between your education and employment? 
Perhaps you took a gap year and travelled before going to university, or perhaps you were volunteering. Or, perhaps you went straight into employment after finishing your undergraduate degree – but now you’re ready to continue your studies at a Masters level. There are an array of reasons for any gaps in your resume/CV – simply explain them truthfully, and clearly.

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