Image result for scenic australia  Image result for scenic australia
Moving to Australia could be one of the best things that ever happens to you.

1. The Weather

The popular images of Australia are of its phenomenal beaches, surfing, and sun. But there are places in Australia where it snows!
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...and sometimes, its over 40 degrees centigrade!
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You'll be in for a rude surprise if you don't do your research.

It’s all about your individual preference, though. If you’re looking for perpetual Summer, then Queensland may be your Australian state of choice. However, if you love a bit of everything, you’ll find Tasmania’s snow-capped mountains in Winter and vibrant Summers breath-taking.

2. Things that can kill you
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Sharks, spiders, snakes… be aware!

Well, not entirely. In the city, you’re very unlikely to see a snake – we think that the concern about snakes in Australia is overrated. In fact, you may never see a shark, spider, or snake at all! (All I've seen was a brown snake. Once. In the Bush. Camping. Where the snake is supposed to be.

3. The Australian language
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Australians like to put ‘O’ at the end of words, to shorten it. Words like ‘avocado’, ‘afternoon’, or ‘ambulance’ become ‘avo’, ‘arvo’, or ‘ambo’.

It’s a distinct accent that takes time to acclimatise to. But it’s a fun challenge to get used to.

We suggest asking locals to explain what they mean, if you doesn’t understand an accent or word. The great news is that explaining our language eccentricities is also great fun!

In fact, laughing about different ways to pronounce words like ‘car’ or ‘rural’ can build connection and can be a great start to building a new friendship. So, don’t be afraid to laugh.

4. Cost of living
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Bananas may be 15 times more expensive in Australia than they are in India, but you’ll find that your part-time earnings in Australia are generous.

Websites like and can help you find a great part-time job. Generally, you’ll need to wait until you get to Australia to apply and then apply and interview for jobs. The good news is that for some jobs, like those in hospitality,  you would hear back from them quickly.

Our advice is to work on your resume now and prepare.

Also, consider that the cost of living in smaller cities is lower than in Melbourne or Sydney. Finding accommodation, jobs, and making local friends is also easier in smaller cities, too.

5. Daylight Savings
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At two points throughout the year, you’ll experience daylight savings, in Australia.

Once, we move the clock forward an hour, and once we move it backward.

By doing this, we get more time in our day with the sun.

6. Public transport
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Most Australian states have buses or some form of public transport that are often faster and cheaper than driving.

If you’re used to public transport systems that use a cash-based system, you should know that Melbourne and Sydney have one easy and cheap pre-paid card. Called ‘Myki’ and ‘Opal’ cards, they’ll allow you to use trains, trams, buses, and ferries. In Adelaide, there is a free bus around the city.

In short, you’ll find that public transport in Australia is straightforward and easily accessible.

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